Starting our 10th year of homeschool today! We have a 9th and 6th grader this year. I didn’t ever plan on homeschooling my kids. I actually used to say when I was younger that I never wanted to be a teacher. BUT God! He dropped this path into our laps all those years ago and I am so thankful we said yes and continue to take that step of faith each year.
Looking back, it is amazing how God knows all those little details of our hearts. Back when Mason was just a few weeks away from heading to Kindergarten, this Mama was having a hard time. I didn't want to give him up for 8 hours a day and lose the family unity we had. The days were already so incredibly short.
I had never even considered homeschooling, but we ended up selling the house we owned right by Mason's school and since we were building a new home that wouldn't be done until later that next year, we would have to rent a house about 30 minutes away. It didn't make sense to waste two hours a day driving Mason to and from school with his three year old sister having to tag-along. God gave me the gift of homeschooling as the answer.
We only planned on doing it for one year, but each year we just continue to fall more in love with all the benefits and God keeps confirming that this is the right path for our family. Here we are starting our 10th year already. I still can't believe how fast the years have gone and I cherish every moment I have with my kids.
One of the greatest things that has come out of homeschooling is that our children have such a close bond with each other and it keeps our family unit together. Mason and Ella are not only siblings, but they are also classmates, friends and companions. Even before I became a mother, it was always a prayer of mine that our family would have a tight bond and want to hang out with each other. It is such a blessing to see God answering that prayer.
I am also so very grateful Randy and I are in full control over what our kids are learning and we can lay a firm foundation in their life that is rooted in Jesus. It is an honor to teach my kids and I am grateful that despite everything, God continues to sustain me. We are praying God’s hand will be upon our school year. I am so proud of you Mason and Ella and I love you both so very much!
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