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grace in this valley

welcome to my blog

Passing on hope, Life Updates, faith, Health Tips & things I love

Welcome to a glimpse into my life - kind of like a scrapbook with thoughts, encouragement, truths, struggles, highlights, health tips and things I love. Over the past eight years, my life has taken an unexpected turn as I've navigated severe chronic illnesses while being housebound.  I don't like to focus on my symptoms as much as I choose to focus on the hope God has given me and the grace that continues to sustain our family. This will be evident in what is written in this space. May the promises of God you encounter on these pages help remind you that no matter what you are facing, you are not alone. Thanks for being here and joining me on this journey!


welcome to

my blog


Welcome to a glimpse into my life - kind of like a scrapbook with thoughts, encouragement, truths, struggles, highlights, health tips and things I love. Over the past eight years, my life has taken an unexpected turn as I've navigated severe chronic illnesses while being housebound.  I don't like to focus on my symptoms as much as I choose to focus on the hope God has given me and the grace that continues to sustain our family. This will be evident in what is written in this space. May the promises of God you encounter on these pages help remind you that no matter what you are facing, you are not alone. Thanks for being here and joining me on this journey!


black and white image of the couple on their wedding day right after they got married with pure joy
By amy 20 Aug, 2024
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." - Lamentations 3:22-23
The family in a closer photo smiling for the camera.
By amy 01 Apr, 2024
"How beautiful are the feet of the man that came for me. How beautiful are the scars that tell me just how kind you are... My Jesus."
Image of pink muted clouds in the sky.
By amy 30 Mar, 2024
"The fact that there is a Saturday wedged between the day of crucifixion and the day of resurrection is proof to me that we love a God who is close to the broken-hearted. Close to the waiting. Close to the ones walking a path of uncertainty and turmoil." - Hannah Brencher
Photo of a cross on a hill with the sun setting.
By amy 29 Mar, 2024
The cross on Good Friday. A place of profound sorrow where hope seemed hidden in the shadow of such overwhelming loss.
coffee mug with image of sunrise on cozy blanket. Faded window in the background.

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On the Blog

Passing on encouragement, life updates, faith, & things I love

Health Journey

Amy in the sunroom with yellow sunlight streaming through the widows - entire photo is sunbathed.
By amy 31 Dec, 2023
"Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard." - Isaiah 58:8
Amy reading her bible outside on the porch chair looking off into the distance. Feet propped up on
By amy 16 Sep, 2023
July was a hard-fought battle. The physical symptoms that raged were unexpected. August was just the continuation of July's weary days. There's nothing glamorous about healing. It's more of an unfiltered, ugly type of beauty where the raw, unglamorous moments, despite their pain, have their own distinct beautiful grace.
Amy sitting in a chair holding a half cut Lyme in front of her. Wearing lime green pants  half smile
By amy 31 May, 2023
Lyme. One word that has changed every second of my life for over 7 years and counting. I’ve lost track of how many times my illness has been questioned or dismissed, even before it had a name. The embodiment of “invisible illness” which can make you feel even more invisible.


The family in a closer photo smiling for the camera.
By amy 01 Apr, 2024
"How beautiful are the feet of the man that came for me. How beautiful are the scars that tell me just how kind you are... My Jesus."
Image of pink muted clouds in the sky.
By amy 30 Mar, 2024
"The fact that there is a Saturday wedged between the day of crucifixion and the day of resurrection is proof to me that we love a God who is close to the broken-hearted. Close to the waiting. Close to the ones walking a path of uncertainty and turmoil." - Hannah Brencher
Photo of a cross on a hill with the sun setting.
By amy 29 Mar, 2024
The cross on Good Friday. A place of profound sorrow where hope seemed hidden in the shadow of such overwhelming loss.

The more I rehearse the ways God has come through for me in the past, the stronger my confidence grows that He will carry me through, fight for me and make a way for me in my current battle.

- Susie Larson -

The more I rehearse the ways God has come through for me in the past, the stronger my confidence grows that He will carry me through, fight for me and make a way for me in my current battle.

- Susie Larson -

In The Valley

Image of pink muted clouds in the sky.
By amy 30 Mar, 2024
"The fact that there is a Saturday wedged between the day of crucifixion and the day of resurrection is proof to me that we love a God who is close to the broken-hearted. Close to the waiting. Close to the ones walking a path of uncertainty and turmoil." - Hannah Brencher
Photo of a cross on a hill with the sun setting.
By amy 29 Mar, 2024
The cross on Good Friday. A place of profound sorrow where hope seemed hidden in the shadow of such overwhelming loss.
Amy sitting with her legs tucked up in a cream chair looking out a window on a lake and hands folded
By amy 10 Mar, 2024
“The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” Romans 8:18 whispers this promise into the weary corners of our hearts.

Health And Wellness

Close up photo of  Aria Diffuser with Young Living Essential Oils Stress Away and Citrus Fresh
By amy 22 Apr, 2023
I decided to make my own sunshine after a week filled with dreary weather. One of my favorite combos of essential oils to diffuse (stress away + citrus fresh)!! Smells like summer in a bottle!
frosty mason jar with homemade elderberry syrup filled to the top dried elderberries and cinnamon
By amy 01 Dec, 2022
I started using elderberry syrup when my son was only a few years old during cold and flu season. It has since become one of my go-to remedies for my children during the cooler months here in Minnesota
aria young living diffuser brown base and glass top diffusing oils.  Young Living logo on base
By amy 14 Oct, 2022
As someone who has severe multiple chemical sensitives and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, I have to be very careful of the chemicals, products and scents I am around and use on my body. Long gone are the days of burning a candle in our home or plugging in an air freshener to mask unwanted scents or make a room smell amazing. I now rely fully on my essential oils and diffusers instead.


black and white image of the couple on their wedding day right after they got married with pure joy
By amy 20 Aug, 2024
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." - Lamentations 3:22-23
The family in a closer photo smiling for the camera.
By amy 01 Apr, 2024
"How beautiful are the feet of the man that came for me. How beautiful are the scars that tell me just how kind you are... My Jesus."
Christmas Card with 5 photos of the family. Wording says Merry Christmas The Kleinhuizen Family 2023
By amy 25 Dec, 2023
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

May you bravely pursue the opportunity in this present moment to take a deep breath and dive deep into the wonder of grace: Grace when things do not make sense. Grace when you are not sure how you can handle any more of this.  Grace when nothings seems to come together the right way.  Grace when you are not sure who will leave or who will stay.  Grace upon grace upon grace on the best and worst days.  Grace to know no matter what, in the end, you will be okay.

- Morgan harper nichols -

May you bravely pursue the opportunity in this present moment to take a deep breath and dive deep into the wonder of grace: Grace when things do not make sense. Grace when you are not sure how you can handle any more of this.  Grace when nothings seems to come together the right way.  Grace when you are not sure who will leave or who will stay.  Grace upon grace upon grace on the best and worst days.  Grace to know no matter what, in the end, you will be okay.


My Favorites

Amy wearing by grace through faith bracelet on hand resting on top of journal sold in store
By amy 22 Nov, 2022
A few of my favorite things... Read on for 10 things that I am currently loving and why!!
aria young living diffuser brown base and glass top diffusing oils.  Young Living logo on base
By amy 14 Oct, 2022
As someone who has severe multiple chemical sensitives and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, I have to be very careful of the chemicals, products and scents I am around and use on my body. Long gone are the days of burning a candle in our home or plugging in an air freshener to mask unwanted scents or make a room smell amazing. I now rely fully on my essential oils and diffusers instead.
leather pouch spilling out with young living produts, including hand sanitizer lip gloss and 2 oilsl
By amy 05 Mar, 2020
Grateful for all the ways these little bottles of oil can help!

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