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grace in this valley

Hope in the Promise of the Cross

amy • Mar 29, 2024
Photo of a cross on a hill with the sun setting - words HOPE in the promise of the cross in white are written on it.

The cross on Good Friday.

A place of profound sorrow where hope seemed hidden in the shadow of such overwhelming loss.

Carrying the weight of the world’s sin, the pain of betrayal, and the sting of death, Jesus embraced it all, out of a love beyond our comprehension.

In His surrender, we see the heart of our Savior — willing to endure unimaginable human suffering to bridge the gap between Heaven and earth.

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”

Isaiah 53:5

The breaking of Jesus’ body and shedding of His blood led to wholeness and abundant life. Assurance of every promise kept.

The ultimate reminder that darkness is never the end.

With His last breath, Jesus declared, “It is finished.” His mission fulfilled, a path to redemption secured. In those three words, there is a love so profound, it forever changed the world.

We see the depths to which grace will go and the lengths to which God’s love will reach each one of us, finding hope in the promise held by the cross. A hope that refuses to be silenced by darkness.

Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you for the cross.
Thank you that in our own brokenness, we find You.

It may be Friday, but hope + redemption are on the way, my friend. The One who gave it all is waiting to meet you right where you are today.

Amy <3

Grace in this Valley

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The cross on Good Friday. A place of profound sorrow where hope seemed hidden in the shadow of such overwhelming loss.

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