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grace in this valley

Raw Faith

amy • Mar 10, 2024

“The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.”

Romans 8:18

Amy sitting with her legs tucked up in a cream chair looking out a window on a lake and hands folded in her lap. Wearing a brown London sweatshirt and black leggings with a messy low bun.

“The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” Romans 8:18 whispers this promise into the weary corners of our hearts.

God continues to remind me that He treasures our raw and unedited prayers, our honest tears - our true selves. He didn’t create us for mindless adoration but for a relationship that’s alive with choice. A choice to seek Him, no matter what circumstance we encounter.

It’s in these raw moments that I often find my deepest conversations with God. He could have made us immune to sorrow and pain, yet He gave us hearts that beat with the fullness of emotions.

I’ve been in the Psalms lately, where David’s unguarded honesty through every trial continues to speak to my heart - his uncensored cries alongside songs of praise.

Full. Honest. Real.

David’s words echo across time, reminding us that in the act of surrender, of leaving it at the feet of Jesus, we find the truest form of worship.

It’s not about masking pain or sadness with a smile but about laying all of ourselves and whatever we are carrying before Him and trusting that despite what our earthly eyes may see, despite how we feel, God is working and joy is on the horizon.

“Weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning.”

Psalm 30:5

It’s a promise, friend.

If your heart aches today, come to Him just as you are. Pour out whatever is on your heart or weighing you down. And then stand in the hope that a joy as profound as the trials you are facing is being etched into your story - not despite the pain, but because of it.

Amy <3

P.S. This song has been on repeat lately - heartfelt words of surrender and trust that are simply beautiful.

Grace in this Valley

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