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grace in this valley

year end thoughts

amy • Dec 31, 2023

"Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard."

Isaiah 58:8

Amy in the sunroom with yellow sunlight streaming through the widows - entire photo is sunbathed yellow.  She has a half smile while taking a selfie.

It's just so like God to have my Bible reading plan end the year with this chapter and this verse. A clear reminder of His meticulous hand in every detail of our lives.

The LORD spoke these words over me early in this valley.  A verse that has since carried me and continues to give me a hope that can only come from Him.

This year was tougher and more challenging than i had envisioned, especially in terms of my health.  It was a year where hopes for improvement often met with setbacks. Yet there were countless unexpected blessings, moments covered in grace that caught me by surprise.

God may not have given me all I had hoped and prayed for, but He provided all that I truly needed and His goodness was etched in every moment. When I look back at this year, I want to only remember how good and faithful He was.

Today, my heart was gently yet powerfully reminded once again that no matter what I face, no matter what this life forces me to endure, no matter how much I don't understand, my God is faithful. He is good and that's all I need to know.

My hope continues to rest in the One who promises to use each part of my story, no matter how difficult or unexpected, for my good and His glory.

And so, as this year closes, I cling to this promise that in His perfect timing, not only will my light break forth, but so will my healing.  Yours will too, friend.  God will never fail and neither will His word.

Amy <3

Grace in this Valley

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