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grace in this valley

10 Things I'm Currently Loving

amy • Nov 22, 2022

A Few Of My Favorite Things...

Strong in Battle: Why the Humble Will Prevail

photo of Susie Larson Strong in Battle book cover

Susie Larson's books have met me in this valley in a way that no other book besides the Bible has been able to. She also has a faith journey with both mold illness and Lyme Disease. My heart resonates so strongly with the words she writes and how she faces these hard valleys. This is her newest book that was recently released. I read through it with the corresponding journal she also wrote called "Soul Care for the Battle: A Guided Journal". Such a timely message and so very good!

Gold Bracelet - By Grace, Through Faith

Amy wearing by grace through faith bracelet on hand resting on top of journal sold in store

I bought this bracelet for my birthday during the second year of my illness.  Anytime I leave the house I still wear it all those years later.  The words resonated with my soul back then and remain true to this day. By grace, through faith I will make it through this valley. We have a limited supply of these exact bracelets in our store. If you would like to own one you can click here.

Risewell - Mineral Toothpaste

bottle of risewell mineral toothpaste standing up with white background

Risewell mineral toothpaste is a family favorite that we have been using for a couple years. It has hydroxyapatite in it, which is the same mineral that makes up our teeth and bones.  This toothpaste will actually help remineralize teeth the way your body does naturally.  It has amazing clean ingredients and is flavored with essential oils.  Basically it is safe enough to eat but still helps strengthen and protect your teeth!  We love it and I am so thankful my body can tolerate everything in it!!

GembaRed - Red Light Therapy

GembaRed REX NIR & Red Light Panel Close - turned on in dark room

I love these red light therapy devices.  I have owned the GembaRed Rex NIR & Red LED Light Panel for a couple years and I use it daily! It is a low cost and highly effective red light therapy device. This particular model has four wavelengths of red and near infrared light which offer so many amazing health and healing benefits.  Not being able to be in the sun everyday because of the Minnesota winter is hard on my body. This device helps  to mimic some of the healing benefits the sun would provide.  It helps so much with pain, inflammation, healing skin issues, energy and regulating my circadian rhythm. It is also amazing if you struggle with acne. You can use the code GRACE10 to get 10% off your order or click this link and the code and discount should  get added to your cart automatically. Our family will get a small commision.

Crystal Quest Bath Ball Filter

bottle of Smear Tender Whip Tallow in jar with brown background

Taking a bath has become one of my most favorite ways to end each day.  There is nothing like relaxing in a tub full of mineral salts and essential oils and having the peace of mind that your water is less toxic. This filter is an easy way to protect your health by filtering out hundreds of different contaminants found in tap water. It lasts our family anywhere from 12-18 months so it's very cost effective for how long you can use it! This is one easy change you can make to help reduce your family's toxin load.

XL Pill Organizer

XL Pill Organizer 4 Times a Day white stock image from Amazon

I didn't think I would ever get excited about a pill organizer - but here we are.  Chronic illness and supplements go hand in hand. This has saved me so much time and hassle! I love that it is large enough to hold all the supplements I need in a day. I can  also take just one individual day out to bring with me if I have a doctor appointment. This has truly simplified my life and since I love anything white, this one was meant for me! You can find it on Amazon.

Linen Journal - Strong Beautiful Brave Courageous

strong beautiful brave courageous tan journal on Amy's lap

I love these beautiful linen journals and the encouraging messages they carry on the front.  I have been using  them in my own life for the last few years and giving them as gifts anytime I can.  Currently filling this one with bible verses! We are selling this exact journal in our store if you would like to purchase the same one click here.

Instant Pot 6 qt. Programmable Pressure Cooker

close up stock image of insta pot pressure cooker with lid on

This is our most used and loved kitchen appliance!!  Because of my airway reactions, we haven't been able to cook in our house for a few years.  Anything that would have used our stove or oven we instead use our Instant Pot.  If it can't be done in this appliance, we probably won't be making it. This has saved my hubby so much time and hassle! Highly recommend!

Butcher Box - Meat Delivery Subscription

butcher box words in black with meat around it  on a cast iron pan

This is where we order most of the chicken that I eat.  Butcher Box delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, pork raised crate-free, and wild-caught seafood options right to your door.  You can pick from their curated boxes or create your own custom box.  We have been purchasing most of our meats from Butcher Box for over two years.  It is a great way to get quality meat at a great price.  You can use our link to get a better deal on your first order! 

Young Living CBD Muscle Rub

Young Living CBD cream stock image in black jar with yellow and white writing

CBD Muscle Rub combines CBD, menthol, and a selection of Young Living premium essential oils such as Camphor, Clove, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Wintergreen, and more. The result is a powerful balm that offers a cooling sensation you’ll love. It smells amazing and my kids even love it.   I use almost daily on my back to help ease my aches and pains and relax my body before bed. You can purchase it through this link.

Grace in this Valley

black and white image of the couple on their wedding day right after they got married with pure joy
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The family in a closer photo smiling for the camera.
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The cross on Good Friday. A place of profound sorrow where hope seemed hidden in the shadow of such overwhelming loss.

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