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grace in this valley

My Favorite Essential Oils to Diffuse

amy • Oct 14, 2022

10 Essential Oil Recipes For Your Diffuser

aria young living diffuser brown base and glass top diffusing oils.  Sitting on marble tray

As someone who has severe multiple chemical sensitivities and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, I have to be very careful of the chemicals, products and scents I am around and use on my body.  Long gone are the days of burning a candle in our home or plugging in a toxic air freshener to mask unwanted scents or to help make a room smell amazing. I now rely fully on my essential oils and diffusers instead. 

I initially started using essential oils years ago because my children were very young and I wanted to keep as many toxic chemicals and products out of our home.  Essential oils made that possible. As the years have gone by, I have fallen more in love with all the ways essential oils have helped our family and provided cleaner and safer options.  Even with my extreme mast cell issues, I am able to tolerate most of the oils that we have always known and loved!

There seems to be new essential oil companies popping up all the time. I am not here to pitch one oil company over another.  I am just sharing pieces of my health journey and essential oils have been a large part of that journey.  My family and I have been primarily using Young Living essential oils for over 11 years. I've been thrilled with the results of all the different oils and products we have used. I especially love the history of these oils and how many of them date all the way back to Bible times.  They truly are amazing natural resources God gave us through His creation that we can use to treat ourselves or to help keep our bodies healthy.

If you are new to essential oils, there’s no better way to get to know them than through your diffuser. Try a few of my top favorite essential oil recipes for your diffuser below to get started! If you are interested in learning more about all the ways I use Young Living products or would like to order any oils directly through my website to help support our family with our accumulated medical expenses, you can click here.

General Guidelines:

  • The following blends are meant to be used in a cold-air diffuser. These diffusers usually require a small amount of water to be added, along with the oils. (Usually around 70 mL)
  • Follow the manufacturer's directions on your diffuser.
  • If you don’t have one of the oils called for in the recipes below, you can still try the recipe without it or have fun making up your own creations.

Before we get to my favorite blends, let me first say that my TOP oil to diffuse is Thieves.  If you have walked through mold illness, thieves essential oil will become your best friend very quickly because mold absolutely hates thieves.  So therefore, thieves is our favorite oil! We diffuse it throughout our home and in our SUV once a week.  Look into all the immune benefits it can provide you both topically and through a diffuser.  This little oil continues to amaze me. I also love to diffuse R.C. essential oil on its own to help support our lungs especially through the winter months.

1. Let’s Focus Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe

This is a favorite combo, and for good reason! It’s perfect to help increase alertness, or when you need a quick pick-me-up. I also love adding 3 drops of peppermint essential oil to this combo to mix it up.

  • 2 drops orange essential oil
  • 2 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 2 drops frankincense essential oil

2. Fresh and Clean Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe

This essential oil diffuser blend is wonderful for creating a welcoming atmosphere in your home. It’s bright and fresh.

  • 2 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops lemon essential oil
  • 2 drops rosemary essential oil

3. Odor Eliminator Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe

This blend helps to freshen up the air in no time.  I will also just use 5 drops of my purification oil alone to help eliminate any unwanted scents.

  • 2 drops lemon essential oil
  • 1 drop melaleuca essential oil
  • 1 drop lime essential oil

4. Out Like a Light Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe

This is an amazing blend to help you fall asleep.

  • 3 drops cedarwood essential oil
  • 3 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 drop vetiver essential oil

5. Kids Sleepy Blend Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe

My daughter loves to have this diffused in her room to help promote a restful sleep and relaxing night.

  • 3 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops copaiba essential oil
  • 1 drop roman chamomile essential oil

6.  Kids Winter Immune Support Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe

One of my kid's favorite blends for immune support all winter long.

  • 3 drops thieves essential oil
  • 2 drops citrus fresh essential oil 

7. Mama's Winter Immune Support Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe

I love diffusing this blend for myself to help support my immune system.

  • 2 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 2 drops thieves essential oil
  • 1 drop frankincense essential oil

8. De-Stress Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe

This blend will calm and de-stress everyone in your house.

  • 2 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops bergamot essential oil
  • 2 drops frankincense essential oil

9. Kids Emotional Control Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe

Soothe emotions and calm the nervous system. This smells amazing!

  • 3 drops orange essential oil
  • 3 drops lavender essential oil

10. Uplifting Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe

This yummy citrus blend will brighten your day.  This is summer in a diffuser to me.

  • 5 drops lemon essential oil
  • 3 drops lime essential oil
  • 3 drops orange essential oil

I hope you try some of these essential oil diffuser recipes and find that you love them too! Let me say this again – I am not here to push you to Young Living, rather I am just sharing my journey and things I love. I am also NOT a certified aromatherapist.  I have not taken any courses.  I am once again just sharing from my own experience. I encourage you to do your own research to make the best choice for your family with the oils and mixes you use.  I'm more than happy to personally help you get these oils into your home. Feel free to message me or click the link below to order directly through my website. If you purchase from this link, it will help support our family with our accumulated medical expenses.


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