Glimpses of healing, small shifts and tolerating things outside that my body would have had no tolerance for last year. This was the first Fourth of July in years that I could be outside for part of the day to watch my kids swim. Yes- I still watched from afar but I was so grateful to hear them laughing with neighbor friends and have the sun melt away the pain in my body and to just be.
I think this is the first summer in over six years my body has let me "just be" for a few hours. What a gift it has been. I had to run inside later in the afternoon as grills started to be fired up and pre-fireworks started to go off around our little lake. If my mast cells could pick one thing they hate the most, it is anything to do with smoke and fire. My body has no tolerance for either and that has not let up yet, but I continue to believe that this too will eventually shift. I am still not moving much or able to be anywhere but home, but my body has shifted to loving hours of heat and sun. I also have more strength than I have in a long time.
The new medicine I have been on since December has been working small and consistent miracles in my body. I continue to be amazed that the Lord literally told me what I needed to do and it has so far brought me the furthest in healing that I have found in six years. I don't need to worry what next year is going to look like in regards to healing. My job is to follow and trust Him. When I truly rest in Jesus and let Him guide my path, there is always strength for today and hope for tomorrow. I've learned to embrace holding onto hope for healing with my palms open to heaven. I know that God can fully heal me even if the treatment stops working or I don't know what to do next.
The road is long, but God is ever so faithful. I continue to stand on His promises and so I know all of my tomorrows will be okay. He has never left me forsaken. He always protects. He always provides - not a minute late, nor a second too early. God's faithfulness never ends. What wonderful truth we can cling to even on the darkest of days.
Faith is a lens I look through to see that God has always been there, even if I don't see him or feel His presence. If God is for you, who can be against you. I know in my own life, I have more reasons to trust God than I do to doubt him. Keep believing that He is with you friend and at work in your life. His strength and faithfulness will see you through.
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