"Remember today, when you're in Christ, you're secure even when your feelings tell you otherwise. You don't have to feel well to be strong and courageous. You don't have to feel bold to be brave. You don't have to feel accepted to live loved. You don't have to feel faith for your faith to be real. And you don't have to feel God's presence for Him to be near. He's closer than your next breath and He lives mightily in you! He pulled out a chair and gave you a place at the table of grace. God is always near and you are always loved no matter how you feel. You've seen too much to turn back now. Keep marching onward. Whether you're celebrating Thanksgiving alone or with other today, remember that you are so loved and have a seat at the table of grace." (Susie Larson)
Every year, my list of things to be thankful for grows and reminds me once again how He is faithful til the end. Especially thankful for my little family today. It's been 7 years of this day not looking anything like we would willingly choose... But we can be more than thankful because of Jesus. He's in it all. And it's so evident that we are held by Him through every single moment.
Happy Thanksgiving, friends! I'm beyond grateful for each one of you!
Amy <3
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