Winter Snow
You could've come like a mighty storm
With all the strength of a hurricane
You could've come like a forest fire
With the power of heaven in Your flame
But You came like a winter snow
Quiet and soft and slow
Falling from the sky in the night
To the Earth below
Oh, You could've swept in like a tidal wave
Or a big ocean to ravish our hearts
You could have come through like a roaring flood
To wipe away the things that we've scarred
Ooh, no, Your voice wasn't in a bush burning
No, Your voice wasn't in a rushing wind
It was still, so small
It was hidden
- Audrey Assad -
This song by Audrey Assad and Chris Tomlin called “Winter Snow” has been one of my favorite Christmas songs for many years. It always makes me pause and reflect on the way Jesus came into the world. Without fanfare or demonstrations of power, He arrived not with the clamor of trumpets but simply as a tender infant, cradled by the quiet of the night. Humble, unhurried, unadorned on a night filled with the anticipation of something miraculous. He lived His life on this earth in a similar way. It could have been so different. Think of the mission Jesus was carrying all those years He walked this earth and yet His nature remained the same as the day He arrived.
My current season has caused me to hear this song in such a new way than when I first listened to it all those years ago. The meaning has evolved and now the words whisper deep comfort and reminders to years filled with dark and unknown days and a future still filled with so much uncertainty.
This season has been consumed with endless moments of loss, loneliness, pain and grief. Sorrow and joy often happen at the same time and that doesn’t change just because the holidays arrive. Special days can be reminders of all that we have lost and how things should be, especially this time of year. The reality of life becomes much harder to ignore in this season. There is thankfully space for both celebration, contemplation and grief.
I have often questioned where God has been and why during certain moments and even extended periods He was completely silent, regardless of how much I sought His guiding hand. As a family, we have prayed, believed, declared, fasted and even begged for grand displays of our Heavenly Fathers power to manifest in my body and our life. For His voice to loudly cut through the dark and bring much needed answers and healing. That unmistakable signs of His presence would come like a tidal wave and be so tangible and present - to show us declarations of His sovereignty over what we are facing. But so often, it doesn't come that way.
Quieter, Softer And Slower Is The Way
God Often Chooses To Work In Our Lives
Is it possible that God's method of bringing His Son into the world reflects how He often chooses to work in our own lives? Quieter, softer and slower. At times He almost feels hidden - so distant from the place we are currently standing. Even then, I've come to realize that God is always working. His purpose evident in our stories not in a loud flashing way, but instead in a gentle and constant manner. In the stillness is often where our Heavenly Father will be found the most. Just as Jesus arrived not with grandeur but in humility, so too do God's answers often come in quiet, unassuming ways, gently unfolding in the fabric of our daily lives.
While I know God could display His glorious power and strength in my life and body in this very moment, He instead chooses to be a tender whisper of compassion and unwavering grace up to now. Faithfully offering us slow and steady signs that He is moving, working and making a way. Authoring a story that only could come from His hand. Quieter and softer - just like our Savior arrived.
Looking back over these last several years, our prayers have been answered countless times. Prayers we didn’t even know we should pray. None were in a burning bush or miraculous instant healing fashion, but instead in slow, still, and often small ways. Steady and consistent moments that are God-breathed and miraculous in their own right. Full healing in my earthly body has not yet been given, but His graces are renewed daily and we so often feel His reassuring presence. These are all beautiful reminders of the One who is holding and carrying our family through these hard years. Our Savior came gently in order to draw us to Himself with His offer of peace with God—a peace still available to anyone who calls on His name.
Our God Works In The Hidden And Steady
Just As Much As He Does In The Grand And Glorious
Jesus's arrival took many by surprise. Instead of being born in a palace, He entered the world in a humble dwelling outside of Bethlehem, an unlikely place. He lay in the only available bed—a manger—and was welcomed not by royalty, but by lowly shepherds and animals. This season reminds me once again that the miracles we pray for rarely unfold as we expect or request. It's a reminder that understanding the process isn't always necessary; what truly matters is recognizing the purpose behind it. Our God works in the hidden and steady just as much as He does in the grand and glorious.
In the midst of a valley or any season you may find yourself, know that God is moving in our lives. He is ever with us and reminding us that He is good. He has a plan for our future - one that is full of hope and His goodness. Just like a soft falling snow, God is often quiet, soft and slow in His ways, but He is there. Choose to make space for the one who matters most these next few days and know that He is with you no matter what. Come thou long expected Jesus. We are ready for you.
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