I finished reading through the book of Job earlier this month, a text saturated with deep suffering and one that leaves us with more questions than answers. It had always been a difficult read for me… until the last few years. Now, it provides a relatable comfort in its pages that I had never previously grasped. A look into the rawness of suffering and loss. This comfort came not just from the words I was reading, but from reflecting on my own journey of loss and faith over the past seven years.
The book of Job tells the story of a righteous man whose life was completely overturned when God allowed Satan to test him. He lost everything dear to him through no apparent fault of his own. Yet he remained determined to trust God’s goodness and sovereignty in the midst of his pain. The book ends with God restoring and redeeming Job’s life and all he had endured. His latter days were greater than his former.
A life restored.
The story of grace and redemption my own heart longs for.
Questioning God : Why Did You Allow This?
Like most of us in our trials, Job never understood why he suffered. He asked why… but God didn’t directly answer his question. He instead gave Job a glimpse of who He was beyond all the pain and brokenness. The LORD allowed painful and prolonged suffering in Job’s life to give him a fresh vision that extended beyond what Job could have otherwise understood. The only meaningful answer Job receives is from God Himself who tells Job that he’ll never fully comprehend what God is up to.
So many experiences in life leave us longing for answers and relief. We ache for full restoration and healing.
Reflecting on my own journey, I've found myself stripped of countless things. Friends and even family I once held dear, most of our earthly possessions, my health and freedom to live, dreams for our children's childhoods and any resemblance of the life I had previously known. At times, it has felt as though the bottom dropped out of our life and everything we thought we could depend on has disappeared from view.
Despite all the loss and hardship, God's grace has remained my unwavering source of strength. This journey of suffering has revealed His presence in ways I never could have anticipated. Just as God gave Job a glimpse of who He was amidst his pain, I've seen His endless love and grace in my own life over these last years. God shows up in the midst of deep pain and loss.
Suffering always serves a greater purpose when it drives us to our knees - seeking shelter in the strong and healing presence of our Savior. This is God’s intent for every hardship we may face. As difficult as it is to understand, God is at always at work, even in our darkest valleys. He longs to meet us in the middle of every question we’re asking. It's ok to get angry and frustrated, even at God. He can handle all of our emotions. And while He doesn’t always take our pain away or answer our questions, He promises to give us His comfort, peace and presence in it.
The book of Job proclaims Christ on every single page. I will continue to believe that God is in the muck with me and will not abandon me. Faith is trusting God even when we don’t understand His action, or seeming lack of action. Job’s grief is painfully raw and real. His life goes from being a beautiful testament of peace to a complete train wreck of pain. But he emerges from it all with a deeper depth for his soul.
I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.
Job 19:25
Through all suffering, we can trust that God is good. That He is good at being God. And He has good things in store for our future. We know our Redeemer lives - even when we cannot see it or feel it.
Beyond Words: The Strength of Support
As Job's story plainly illustrates, earthy possessions will not last. If you put too much of your hope, joy, and fulfillment in things or even the people in your life, disappointment is inevitable. A key lesson that Job’s friends and family failed to understand is the power of presence and the act of meeting Job in his valley in a way that would minister to him. Truly seeing someone's trial and meeting them where they are at is a priceless gift.
Sometimes, it’s more supportive and helpful to simply be present and listen, however that may look, rather than offer misinformed consolation, misguided advice, or choose to overlook the situation entirely. Job’s friends not only failed to be there for Job in the ways he needed, but they also gave poor advice based on their misunderstandings of God. Instead of providing comfort, they added more unnecessary grief to his situation. I'm reminded of a verse in 2 Corinthians 1 that urges us to comfort those who are in any trouble, just as we have been comforted by God. This call to empathy serves as a reminder of how we should support others - not in ways that are always convenient for us, but in ways that truly honor and glorify God.
This world is not our home. At times, God removes earthly things and individuals for reasons we may never understand. I've learned the hard lesson of letting go and trusting God with whatever comes back to me. The book of Job is a testament that even the worst circumstances can occur... and you'll still be okay. In fact, you'll be refined more deeply and filled with even more faith and gratitude. There’s only one thing you can have forever, and that’s God himself.
God's Goodness and Grace Amidst Suffering
God counts us blessed when we endure. Job is an example of patience in deep suffering, representing the ending so many of us pray for - full restoration in the land of the living. Such a beautiful picture of God’s goodness. God didn't owe Job a double-blessing, but He gave one because it's who He is. Grace utterly undeserved. God doesn't owe it to us to bring good out of our valleys and trials, yet it's a promise He's given that He always will.
In the midst of Job's darkest hour, God said to him that he would fill Job's mouth with laughter and his lips with shouts of joy. I believe God wants to remind you today that He is able to fill your mouth with laughter and praise regardless of what you maybe facing. He can turn any season around. Believe that joy is coming, healing is coming and restoration is coming in your life. Your season of grief is going to be turned to dancing and your sorrows to joy.
You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the LORD finally brought about. The LORD is full of compassion and mercy.
James 5:11
Our God is indeed able and willing to bring beauty from ashes. His heart is for restoring our brokenness and redeeming our pain. Regardless of our circumstances, whether the Lord restores us on this earth or in glory, God is still our Redeemer - full of compassion and such beautiful mercy. One day we can be assured that we will be fully restored by the One who made us.
Job’s hardest questions are perfectly answered later on in the person of Jesus Christ. God’s glory always has the final word.
Trust in God: Finding Peace in 'It is Well"
The phrase that's been on repeat in my mind this month is: “It is well… It is well with my soul.” May we be able to truly say, "it is well..." no matter what season of life we're in. And let our worship and praise of our Heavenly Father rise not just because of what He has given us or brought us through, but most simply because of who He is.
There is so much that we will never understand in this life, but we can rest in the fact that one day our understanding will be made clear. Until then, we can trust that God is always with us, and that He sees our journey's end from its beginning. We never have to doubt that He is in control. Let our trials be a testimony of His greatness.
I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
Job 42:2
How has the story of Job resonated with you in your life? Are there lessons you've drawn from your own experiences of suffering and restoration? I'd love to hear your thoughts below.
Through Job's story, we're continually reminded that even in our darkest hours, when we're filled with hard questions and uncertainties, God is always at work. He's shaping us, guiding us, and fulfilling His greater purpose. Despite our trials, God's grace is always present and He is worthy of our praise. Let His peace wash over you today - The peace of knowing that our Redeemer lives and He will see you through.
This week I find myself praying for renewed strength and fresh vision over my own life. If you're on a similar journey, I'd be honored to pray this over your life too.
Amy <3
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