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grace in this valley

Joy in the Morning

amy • March 5, 2023

Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning.

Psalm 30:5

Sunrise on the horizon far in the distance with amazing clouds and a hill with trees in the front

Throughout our lives, we will all go through situations and seasons that can either make or break our faith in God. Any follower of Jesus can attest to experiencing nights of hardship that seem long and dark and at times, almost hopeless.  For some, those nights are short and brutal.  For others, they may last years and decades, slowly wearing away at earthly hopes and making joy that much harder to find. During those times, you can't put trust in circumstances changing in the way or timing you desire, but you can trust the One who rules over them. He cannot be unfaithful to His promises.

Faith teaches us to believe in things that we are yet to see, things we are yet to experience. To keep us going and believing in the love and grace that our Savior has for us.  His word is still true and His mercies endure forever regardless of what we may be currently facing.  For the one who remains steadfast in faith and endures, the day will come when light finally begins to dawn, when weeping is turned into a song of praise and sorrows into joy. God is always working towards a good ending for the story of our lives.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Romans 8:18

The verse above is best summed up for me as "the pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming".  Words that continue to breathe life into my weary soul. Oh how I've held onto this precious promise. After so many years, it can often seem like a new day will never arrive. The last few years have been a roller coaster of the beautiful and the utter heartbreaking for our family. Through tears and laughter, the joy and mercy of the Lord has sustained us. Joy through Him can be found in every season of life.

Health Update

My mind this last month has been restless with so many thoughts. Trying to put these thoughts into complete sentences that make sense has been a struggle. Even just being on my computer has once again proven to be more of a challenge. This is one of the many impacts of chronic neurological Lyme and it comes in waves for me, so I apologize ahead of time for how my words may land on this post. If you aren't interested in a short health update or hearing a little more about neurological Lyme, feel free to skip to the Joy in the Morning section to read what my heart truly wanted to share. Some parts of these next two sections may be triggering for those who are walking through their own health journey.

I started a new Lyme treatment a few weeks ago that compliments what I have already been doing this last year.  As in the past, I'm not going to share any details about it yet until I am further along, but it's been another testimony to God opening doors and making a way. My body was starting to have some scarier symptoms pop up and stick around again as the winter season progressed. Since December, things have been slowly getting worse the longer I was without sun and warmer weather. 

It took me a while to realize that God wanted me to go down this new treatment path, because it isn't a commonly recognized treatment nor something I ever thought I would try...  But the LORD kept bringing it to the front of my attention and placing a few sweet individuals on my path who are seeing great success with this specific therapy. I finally had to recognize that it was something I should consider since it was appearing in so many areas of my life.

The increase of symptoms and other significant changes that have shown up lately is very encouraging and shows us that this new therapy is doing something.  It's a blessing but is also horrible all at the same time. I can tell the treatments are currently hitting my co-infection Bartonella the hardest because of all the brain and neurological symptoms I'm experiencing, along with the cat scratch marks that are once again appearing on my body.

Bartonella is also called cat-scratch disease and is a co-infection of Lyme disease. It's one of many that I have been diagnosed with. And yes, you can get this infection from cats. The marks can also look like stretch marks that come and go and are the oddest thing to experience. My son has them all over his legs and back. Mine are always the worst on my chest, stomach and up and down my spine in areas where I would never be able to reach. 

I remember back before I knew I had Lyme, I would be at my acupuncture appointments to help relieve my symptoms and the practitioner would comment almost every time on how I had so many scratches all over my body. At the time, I just thought my husband was scratching me while we were sleeping... The things I wish I had known back then about these diseases.

As the pages of this blog continue to be written, you will see I don't focus very much on what I walk through daily. I've never been one to want any sort of special attention or sympathy, especially in the midst of suffering with something that is so misunderstood. My sufferings have brought me near the painful sting of death.  Yet, they have also led me to greater hope and greater faith. That is what I choose to place my focus on and what I want to share the most on these pages.

One day,  I hope to share more intimate details of my story, because my heart's desire is to help others who may find themselves on a similar lonely road. I'm an open book though if you ever have a question - feel free to reach out! When I do mention symptoms, just know it took a lot to get me to actually write them down and I've probably minimized what I am experiencing.

A Glimpse of Neurological Lyme Disease

I'm often asked what my neurological Lyme specifically looks like. That's a loaded question and varies based on the day and even the season of where my treatments are or what infection is currently flaring. I can thankfully say that my brain symptoms have gotten SO MUCH BETTER this last year, but they are still far from what remission would look like.  Some of my first symptoms of Lyme, even a few days before I "became sick", were coming from my nervous system and brain. I am no stranger to how horrible they can become.  This illness will fight you tooth and nail to not go down. 

When my neuro symptoms flare, I continue to struggle with intense tremors, nerve pain, blurred vision, electrical zingers in my head, numbness, migraines, eye floaters, severe weakness on the right side of my body, mini-seizures, vertigo, losing my vagal muscles and ability to swallow, bell's palsy, slow speech, gut paralysis and stroke-like symptoms to name a few.  My symptoms usually get worse as the day progresses. I often struggle until the wee hours of the morning just trying to fall asleep, but I know that if I can fall asleep, even for just a couple hours, many of my symptoms will reset for the next day.  God made our bodies amazing like that. The lyrics from the song I mention below say "there's new mercy, every morning, hold on till you see the sun". This has held true hundreds of times in my own life over these last years. God's faithful mercy as the sunrises has been such a gift.

I am still not able to move very much. Not just from weakness, but also because my brain just doesn't know where my feet are in this world and the fallout from that can be hard and unpredictable.  I have had to relearn how to walk several times in the last few years and it can still be a struggle. My spine has also been severely compromised and weakened from where Lyme attacked it along with the surrounding organs. We've noticed over the years how much my smile has even changed from this disease.  There are days that I can hardly get my facial muscles to give me a glimpse of my real smile. But it is coming back more frequently this year! I am also thankfully starting to eat small amounts of rice once a day that aren't blended with my other food. Such a big praise to not choke or aspirate and actually be able to chew some food for one meal.

The ALS / MS like symptoms are the worst neurological ones for me. Trust me when I say chronic neurological Lyme disease is absolutely horrible.  I won't go into what mast cell activation, mold issues and other infections add to this mix.  At one point a couple years ago, I had over 100 daily symptoms from these illnesses. No area of your body or organs go untouched. My heart especially goes out to anyone with chronic late stage neurological Lyme Disease. I pray you have a strong support system and people in your life who believe what you are going through. Please reach out to me if you don't or if you just need a friend who can relate.

Ok - enough with health updates and the gloomy, but very real side of this valley...

Joy Will Come in the Morning

A theme that God has been speaking into my heart this new year from almost every angle is the phrase "JOY will come in the morning". He normally gives me a word for the new year, but it seems this year the LORD spoke a phrase to my heart instead. Our family hasn't had much joy the last several years and it is starting to really wear on all of us. Yes - we find joy any way we can and the joy of the LORD is truly our strength, but overall the heaviness of this life we are living has grown heavier this past year. I think we are finally starting to come out of the constant fight or flight mode we've had to be in just to survive. We can actually start to comprehend what these last years have held. Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes.

The new rendition of Joy in the Morning by Tauren Wells, featuring Elevation Worship, has been life giving to me this last month.  "If it's not good then He's not done." Amen and AMEN. God has been showing me that yes, the nights may seem endless and feel like they never end,  but He tells us that JOY will come in the morning. This phrase sounds so encouraging and uplifting, but for many of us there may be a thousand long nights before we find our joy in the morning.  It's not just a pretty phrase you put on a sign to look at - it's what God has told us.

If you are in the middle of a season where you don't know what's next, this is where your faith truly becomes real. Faith often feels like you are walking forwards blind and falling backwards blind while trusting that God's plan for you is far greater than the circumstances currently surrounding your life.  I continue to remind myself that when God says joy is coming, then it will come. Faith is trusting what we do not see. 

I find especially when my neurological symptoms become worse, I will start to feel fear try to creep back in and tell me that nothing I am doing is working and everything is going to start spiraling out of control again. Falling backwards blind is one of the hardest parts of this valley. It becomes a very weary cycle.

During times like this, I've had to learn to actively take my thoughts captive.  Instead of looking at my circumstances as evidence to prove that my thoughts are right, I've learned to really stand firm and go to the word of God. To find His truth over what my eyes currently see.  It's the only truth that I can stand on and trust when it feels like I am surrounded on every side. If God says joy comes in the morning and if He says He is working all things together for my good, then I believe it will come. It's always darkest before the dawning of a new day.

My Eternal Hope is in the Kingdom of Heaven

Over the years, I've wrestled with how to manage the tension when the reality that you are experiencing doesn't look like what God has promised in His word.  When the situation you are in just doesn't seem to change. I've had to really lean into the character of God, because the cliché sayings don't often work after so many years of walking through such a difficult valley. 

When it all gets too heavy and you feel like the faith filled words just can't come out of your mouth anymore... What do you lean on? You have to lean on God's character.  Who He actually is.  Who His word declares Him to be.  I remind myself of all the times He has shown up for me in the past and all the times He has shown up in other people's lives.  I remind myself of how His promises have been steadfast and faithful to get me this far.  I remind myself that God doesn't change regardless of my season or symptoms.  If He showed up back then, I can trust that He will show up now. 

The beautiful thing about the character of God is that it is multi-dimensional. He is transcendent and He is also imminent. He is higher and above, but He is also so close and personal. God is beyond all sin, guilt and temptation. And yet He chose to step down from His throne into our broken world full of pain, dysfunction, sadness and loss.  The reality that He is beyond AND He is also here with us is where my hope rests. 

My ultimate hope is not of this world - it is in the Kingdom of Heaven.  A place that is everlasting, unchanging, unending and endures for all eternity.  My hope is that one day I will leave this world full of suffering and step into eternity with my Savior where I will experience the peace, the grace and the joy that flows from the goodness of our Heavenly Father.  Yes - my weeping may endure for a night, but because of my God, I know that joy will come in the morning and one day it will last for all eternity.

Keep Believing Even in the Middle of the Unknown

I am currently holding on to the truth that no night or season lasts forever.  The sun will always rise and with the dawn comes the blessing and favor of our Heavenly Father, who is hard at work to strengthen and deliver His children. No matter how dark life may seem, God has promised that joy will come. 

David, who wrote the Psalms, experienced many ups and downs in his lifetime. He was known as "a man after God's own heart". His own heart is poured out in the scriptures talking about the experiences he walked through.  David learned that any valley he went through was only temporary for "a night". It was just a season.  He had seen time and time again how God delivered him in multiple ways. He trusted that God was always with him, for him, beside him AND ahead of him so he could count on joy coming.

God doesn't change - no that's not who our God is.  He is steadfast and faithful. This life might not look like the way we thought it would -  but in the end, it will actually be far better than we could have imagined.  When we get to that place of full surrender where our hearts cry is: God you lead me... God you speak to me... God you show me.... God you fill me... God you use me... God I need your strength... God I trust you... That is the best place to be. Open hands that are surrendered to His perfect will. God knows your heart and He knows what's next.  You can trust His plan for your life and that it will one day all make sense. I am so thankful that His mercies are new every morning - just hold on till you see the sun.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

My friend, you and I can experience these harder seasons of life knowing that they do have an end date. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we can be sure the morning light will come.  Remind yourself what your soul already knows.  God is for you. He's got you.  He hasn't forgotten you. This is not the end of your story, but just a chapter. If it's not good, then He's not done! Keep holding on - JOY is on the horizon.

Amy <3

Joy in the Morning

By: Tauren Wells featuring Elevation Worship

Everything happens for a reason, but you don't know what you don't know
And you'll never have peace if you don't let go of tomorrow
'Cause it ain't even faith till your plan falls apart but you still choose to follow
If it doesn't make sense right now, it will when it's over

And there will be joy in the morning
There will be joy in the morning

If it's not good then He's not done, no He's not done with it yet

There will be joy in the morning

Giving in to your feelings is like drowning in the shallows
Oh, you've gotta keep believing еven in the middle of thе unknown
'Cause grace will be there when you come to the end of your rope, when you let go
It may feel like you're going down now, but the story isn't over

So lift your eyes and know, that there is joy
You don't have to stay where you're at
There's light at the end of the tunnel

There's new mercy every morning
Hold on till you see the sun
Sing through the night, lift up your eyes
Joy is on the horizon

Oh, I feel it coming
I feel it stirring up deep inside
Keep holding on, keep holding on
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy is coming

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