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grace in this valley

New Lyme Treatments

amy • December 21, 2019

His Power Works Best In Weakness

 2 Corinthians 12:9

Amy and kids with dog in SUV. Black and White photo. All are smiling even the dog. Selfie style.

I've been quiet on my social media accounts the last few weeks. Thank you for all of the sweet messages, prayers and checking in on me.  The energy it takes to even get on my computer and cell phone can be too much at times.  I started a new Lyme treatment protocol this last week and needed all of my limited energy for that. It was one of those nudges from God where you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He opened doors and made a way for you.

The timing of this new therapy is confirmation even more as my body has started rejecting most of the foods and supplements I was previously fine with. We had hit another huge roadblock. Let's just say it has been a scary last month. Our family had to travel a few hours from home for three days of appointments and treatments in Wisconsin.  This is the furthest I have ventured in over three years. My body handled the travel and treatments amazingly.  Only God. His grace continues to sustain me. 

We got confirmation during these appointments that my neurological Lyme is very severe, chronic and late stage along with the Bartonella in my brain.  The Doctor also found so many other viruses and co-infections throughout my body.  It was very overwhelming but also validating at the same time.

He found over twelve infections in my liver alone.  No wonder things have been progressively getting worse despite all I do daily just to survive. Would love your prayers as the detoxification and herxing from these treatments can be really hard to walk through on top of already hard to manage symptoms.

We also found that my body was still full of mold. I knew it was even before this appointment, but it is just another punch in the gut to have it confirmed again and another layer that adds to the complexity of everything. I won't go into much detail about these new treatments until I see how it works in a few months, but this Doctor believes everything is fixable as long as I stay away from mold.

Oh mold. You are not my friend.  We are retesting our house to make sure it is still safe for me and we will be purging another layer of things that were brought over from our last home. The layers of stripping continue.

My Doctor tested my kids and ended up diagnosing our son with Neurological Lyme. He said if we don't start treating Mason, the odds of him being in a wheelchair by his 20's is very very high. Another sucker punch in the gut. How many more will there be... These were not the words a Mama wants to hear.

Lyme is something we started suspecting when it came into my world, but nothing you want to hear about your own child. Mason already struggles with mold toxicity illness and has had to overcome so many mountains for someone his age.  We will bring him back next year for more testing and to get his treatments started. Praising God my daughter is testing fine and has my husband's detox genes!

Some days this can all be too much - but it is on those days I find God pours out a fresh portion of His grace, faith and strength over our family. Every time my cup is depleted, He refills it. The only true freedom and peace I've found is in resting in God's sovereignty and knowing that He is in control over everything.  Every illness... every loss... every storm I may face. There is nothing that happens without His authority.

While I would never choose this path our family is on of severe illness and loss,  I know that God is using it for my good and His glory. He will make a way and I know the hope I have in the name of Jesus is all I need right now.  I'm clinging to it daily. He is good and He is God. He's got this.  His grace is sufficient.


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