Thank you Jesus for the cross.
I will never look at the crucifixion the same way again after my last few years. There are so many details leading up to the last days that Jesus walked the earth that astound me as I have reflected this week.
The sorrow, the pain, the depth of His love and even the fear that was felt in the somberness. Jesus shows us what true strength in the midst of unbelievable pain and tragedy really looks like. How fear and love can hold space together and supernatural peace can surround even the most difficult circumstances. We see His humanity and the great sacrifice He paid for our sins.
Jesus was sinless. But He understood suffering, despair, pain, betrayal and abandonment at a level we can't comprehend. The Savior of this world even questioned His Father’s plan while he hung on the cross. He wrestled with thoughts like so many of us do, asking God to “take this cup from me” because He knew that with God it was possible.
Yet the cross wasn’t the end. It had a purpose. Good Friday was just the beginning of a story full of redemption, restoration and the resurrection power of the cross that is available to change your life. It was the day that revealed Jesus is exactly who He says He is.
His pain held promise.
No matter what you are facing in your own life - it may be a part of your story, but it doesn’t have to be the end. Today is a reminder that even when the darkness of this world seems to take over and life feels anything but good - hope is coming.
The blood of Jesus speaks a better word!! Nothing is wasted, even our greatest pain. God can use anything you may be going through right now for your good and His glory!
Jesus bore the sins of the world and through all the suffering and betrayal, He loved us anyways. Because of Him we can have hope. He was forsaken so we could be forgiven. He knew that His death was the only way to bring deliverance.
This is love.
“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:5
I’m overwhelmed once again. He did that for you. He did that for me.
The greatest love we will ever know.
Today He invites us to hold space for all our suffering and brokenness - His and our own. But to know that Sunday is coming where all that is heavy will be made new.
Hold on my friend. Hope is on the way.
Amy <3
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